Balance & Revive Your Body & Soul Energy
Align Body with Spirit, Clear Blocks, and Elevate Your Vibration

Discover the power of chakra balancing, crystal & energy healing, and vibrational sound therapy.
These modalities help you balance your energy and empower you on your spiritual journey.
Modern life can leave you feeling disconnected.
Like so many, you may be suffering from physical issues, facing challenges with mood and energy levels, and experiencing struggles in relationships.
Yet.. you probably sense there is another way.
Maybe you are starting to have unusual experiences...showing up to help illuminate a new path forward.
Are you?:
Waking up at strange hours in the middle of the night
Seeing repeating numbers
Hearing songs and messages that speak to you
Having a sense of something before it happens
Feeling extra sensitive
Experiencing weird and meaningful dreams
Feeling like you just don’t fit in with the mainstream
These can be signs that you are ready to evolve but the way forward can still feel unclear.

Hi, I’m Terry, here to guide you on your healing path.
I can help you find clarity
I know what it feels like to feel extra aware, sensitive, and overwhelmed, while not truly understanding why.
Years ago I was feeling overwhelming energy from everyone... pain, joys, and all kinds of emotions. I felt oversensitive and unbalanced.
I knew that I needed to find a new path forward.
I sought out and learned from powerful guides which helped me grow. I learned to fine-tune my abilities and balance my energy. I created my own learning and healing journey. I was able to overcome, elevate, and expand my capabilities. I am overjoyed to be able to share my learnings and gifts with you.
My Training
Intuitive Medium & Practitioner
Mentored by gifted psychic mediums
Certified Melchizedek Method Practitioner
Graduate of Melchizedek Method Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Sacred Geometry
Reiki Master Teacher
Usui Reiki Healing Method
Certified Advanced Crystal Master * Body Energy Practitioner
Hibiscus Moon Crystal Healer Course
Certified & Licensed Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner
Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST)
Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner
Vibroacoustic Therapy International

Are you ready to feel more balance in your life, raise your vibration, and evolve spiritually? Let me show you, …..and teach you how to tap into your internal energy source!
Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST)
VST is a relaxing healing modality that uses therapeutic Himalayan Singing Bowls that create a ‘Sound Bath’, which encourages relaxation & relief from stress and tension using Sound Waves and Vibration.
Crystal Chakra Balancing
Crystal Chakra Balancing is a beautiful modality that will help restore harmony within the Emotional & Spiritual Bodies, and helps bring your internal energy centers back into alignment.
Oracle Card Readings
Divination cards are a tool used to help tell an intuitive story for specific areas of your life. Based on your personal energy reading with oracle cards can assist you to understand how Spirit is guiding you and potential outcomes in your life.
Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is gentle energy healing technique that was created in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th Century. This beautiful modality uses a hands on or above body approach to help reduce stress and to assist in the healing of self and others. This is a safe method for self-improvement which helps restore peace, balance and wellbeing.
Animal Reiki
Pets feel energy too! This gentle hands on or above body approach is a non-invasive, complementary technique that helps our Pets and animals to become more calm, allowing them to relax and cope by releasing pent up energy associated with anxiety, or trauma.
Zen ‘Grounding’ with VST
Center Yourself! Help ‘Ground’ your energies to help restore balance and calm in your life. Stand inside a large ‘Footie’ Therapeutic Himalayan Singing Bowl, and feel the resonance and frequency flow through your energetic field to allow relaxation and help clear blocked energy.
Dream Sound Bath
A Sound Bath is a beautiful meditative listening experience, using the acoustics of different instruments to help relax the body, and assist with shifting the mind into a calmer, and deeper state of consciousness.
Energetic Cord Removal and Release
Energetic cords are invisible strands of energy that connect us to places, people, trauma, beliefs, or past life experiences. Recognizing what type of energy is being transferred between you and that experience or person empowers you to work on releasing that connection, and allowing you to reclaim your energy!
InHarmony Sound Lounge 2
A Sound Lounge is a beautiful Vibroacoustic meditative experience that allows you to unwind, easing you into a relaxed state so you can shift your mind into a calmer, deeper state of being. This is a fully immersive experience based on Sound and Vibrational Frequencies.

Get Started
Let’s Chat
Sign up for a free 30 min. intuitive evaluation
Schedule your first session and create your unique healing path
Become a more evolved version of yourself.
“Terry is awesome, and she has helped me tremendously. Through working with her I believe in myself again. I feel this calm now in my soul. She is so compassionate and takes her time with me. Her card readings are also so accurate and helpful. Her products have also helped with my anxiety. Whether in person or states away she is always amazing.”

Work with me & embrace your healing path.
You’ll create new energy in your world and have tools to lead your life with more awareness, grace, and joy.
Be more aligned, positive, in-tune, and balanced.
Become more accepting of yourself and others and embrace change
Be empowered to handle challenges with grace.
Know how to open up to positive changes and have the tools move forward and elevate.
Find your true north and have a sense of belonging to yourself and in the world.
Be able to own your own power in relationships
Transform your relationships and attract new people who align with your energy and love and accept you for your true essence.